Meet the breed - Siberian Husky
Scroll to the bottom to see each of our Siberian Huskies
The Good
Siberian Huskies are most known for their striking appearance. Purebreds can come in all colors and patterns besides merle and brindle, and all eye colors. Their coat is excellent protection against both heat and cold, and they do well in most climates.
Unlike what a lot of people seem to think, Siberian Huskies are a MEDIUM sized dog, not a large dog. The breed standard calls for a 35-50 pound female and 45 - 60 pound male, and all ours are within that range. Some breeders produce much larger huskies but it is not the norm. If you want a large nordic breed, I'd suggest an Alaskan Malamute instead.
They can make excellent partners for endurance sports, like sledding, jogging, and bikejoring, but unless they are from working lines, they shouldn't be so high strung that constant exercise is a must-have. A well-bred Siberian Husky will have an "off switch" and be able to relax in the home when its needs are met.
They are intelligent and mental stimulation through training and puzzle toys is just as important as physical exercise, and they get more out of a walk around the block than they do being left in a backyard all day.
Huskies are typically confident dogs that do well with strangers, other dogs, and children.
Overall, they are a pretty sturdy, healthy breed with good longevity on average.
Unlike what a lot of people seem to think, Siberian Huskies are a MEDIUM sized dog, not a large dog. The breed standard calls for a 35-50 pound female and 45 - 60 pound male, and all ours are within that range. Some breeders produce much larger huskies but it is not the norm. If you want a large nordic breed, I'd suggest an Alaskan Malamute instead.
They can make excellent partners for endurance sports, like sledding, jogging, and bikejoring, but unless they are from working lines, they shouldn't be so high strung that constant exercise is a must-have. A well-bred Siberian Husky will have an "off switch" and be able to relax in the home when its needs are met.
They are intelligent and mental stimulation through training and puzzle toys is just as important as physical exercise, and they get more out of a walk around the block than they do being left in a backyard all day.
Huskies are typically confident dogs that do well with strangers, other dogs, and children.
Overall, they are a pretty sturdy, healthy breed with good longevity on average.
The Bad
With that big husky brain comes a natural curiosity that can get them into mischief. They are well known for being escape artists but in my experience, it is usually the result of a bored dog. They are excellent at jumping and digging and for the determined, unattended dog, the average fence will be no problem for them to clear. Establishing training with barriers early on, like waiting at the door politely as a puppy, will also ensure you don't have a 45-pound dog darting out the front door and racing down to visit your neighbors at every opportunity.
They have a reputation for being stubborn, but that is not entirely accurate. Siberian Huskies are thinking dogs; when you ask them for something, they consider what's in it for them. They are not generally motivated to do things because of the love in their hearts for their humans like perhaps a lab would. Siberian Husky love is earned and not so freely given. They can have some good food drive and if you find what works for your puppy, they can learn and train as well as any dog. Many Siberian Huskies will work/learn for a good play session and implementing "life rewards" (see training) will get you far. It is not impossible, or even all that difficult to train a husky, in my opinion. But if you get a husky puppy and expect it to learn and behave like a lab puppy, you are going to have a bad time. A lot of people seem to make excuses for their dogs' bad manners, like pulling on a leash and say it is in the breed. I've seen Chihuahuas pull on a leash too, and nobody seems to say it is because of their breed. Bad manners are just bad or incomplete training.
Like all double-coated breeds, they do shed, and they shed an exceptional amount twice a year. Grooming for standard coats is usually just running a brush over them every few weeks, with daily brushing or a trip to the groomers for a blowout. While we don't specifically breed for wooly coats, they do require more weekly maintenance than standards.
They do have prey drive, the desire to chase small animals. If you have small pets, it is best to get a puppy and not only introduce them early on, but train your puppy to be respectful of the other animals. It might be funny to see an 8-pound puppy tugging on your cat's tail, but it won't be when it is a 50-pound adult dog doing the tugging.
They have a reputation for being stubborn, but that is not entirely accurate. Siberian Huskies are thinking dogs; when you ask them for something, they consider what's in it for them. They are not generally motivated to do things because of the love in their hearts for their humans like perhaps a lab would. Siberian Husky love is earned and not so freely given. They can have some good food drive and if you find what works for your puppy, they can learn and train as well as any dog. Many Siberian Huskies will work/learn for a good play session and implementing "life rewards" (see training) will get you far. It is not impossible, or even all that difficult to train a husky, in my opinion. But if you get a husky puppy and expect it to learn and behave like a lab puppy, you are going to have a bad time. A lot of people seem to make excuses for their dogs' bad manners, like pulling on a leash and say it is in the breed. I've seen Chihuahuas pull on a leash too, and nobody seems to say it is because of their breed. Bad manners are just bad or incomplete training.
Like all double-coated breeds, they do shed, and they shed an exceptional amount twice a year. Grooming for standard coats is usually just running a brush over them every few weeks, with daily brushing or a trip to the groomers for a blowout. While we don't specifically breed for wooly coats, they do require more weekly maintenance than standards.
They do have prey drive, the desire to chase small animals. If you have small pets, it is best to get a puppy and not only introduce them early on, but train your puppy to be respectful of the other animals. It might be funny to see an 8-pound puppy tugging on your cat's tail, but it won't be when it is a 50-pound adult dog doing the tugging.
Further Reading
Nightside Nordics' Siberian Huskies
All our Siberian Huskies are AKC registered, we do not sell them as unregistered, but most go on limited rights with a spay/neuter contract unless you are interested in showing and/or an ethical breeder. We do not charge extra for full rights in either case. Details about each individual can be found on their page, located in the menu under "Siberian Husky."