Iris: AKC Nightside's Hello Darkness
Iris is out of Shiloh: AKC Tempt's Between Sinners And Saints and by Vesuvius: AKC Skyfall's Drama on Display. She has received her AKC STAR Puppy certification and has started showing in puppy classes. She handles new, chaotic environments, like local festivals, with calm ease and grace. She is personable and friendly, truly the best of both of her parents' traits. While her coat color is not commonly seen in the show ring the color is an acceptable color by AKC standards.
Health Testing
Embark - Cleared by parentage, induvial test will be done later
Titles & Achievements
AKC STAR Puppy (August 2022)
Best of Breed (September 2022, Mid-Coast Kennel Club of Maine, Inc.)
Group Second (September 2022, Mid-Coast Kennel Club of Maine, Inc.)
Best of Breed (September 2022, Mid-Coast Kennel Club of Maine, Inc.)
Group Second (September 2022, Mid-Coast Kennel Club of Maine, Inc.)